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From the Bench


I began an electronics career working for one of the premier synthesizer companies, Electronic Music Laboratories in the 60's.  Around that time I bought one of the first Model I personal computers delivered to Radio Shack (it had 4K of memory space and no store).  I was recruited in the early 1980s, by Steve Ciarcia, as support for his Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar column projects in BYTE magazine.  During this period I began a 15 years stint as Product Engineer for Micromint, developing products for the embedded control market, until the company moved to Florida.  

Today I keep busy through consulting when not working on my From the Bench column featured in Circuit Cellar Magazine.  Every month I focus on the education of new and often unusual technologies through the development of construction projects. As staff consulting engineer for over 10 years with Circuit Cellar, I am proud to be a part of the foundation that has made Circuit Cellar magazine the magazine for practical, hands-on applications and solutions for embedded-control designers.



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About my Family

Beverly        Dan        Ryan        Alicia        Kris